Whilst at this phase no one knows with confidence what the impact will be, we would certainly recommend that non profit organizations confronted with the challenge of an unknown result from European funding comply with these crucial steps:
1. Don't Panic!

2. Talk With Current Funders
If you're mid-way through fundraising for a big undertaking, speak with your current funders now. In case they have actually committed already it's simply because they believe in your project and will certainly be understanding of your position - some could even raise their grant offer to cover a potential shortfall. There's a lot of charity consultancy internet sites throughout the uk, if you are searching to find out more or possibly asking prices this blog is a great starting point for www.giftedphilanthropy.com.3. Mitigate
Facing the issue directly and providing a short evaluation of how you intend to mitigate against a potential funding deficit - seeking other funders, scaling or phasing an undertaking and so on - will certainly be perceived positively by both present and potential contributors alike, creating confidence in your organisation.If you require advice concerning your growth plans or fundraising challenges, feel free to speak to one of our Directors for an informal chat.
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